Baby’s Barley Cereal

Barley Cereal (3)If you want to skip rice cereal for your baby, barley is an excellent alternative. It has an earthy flavor that hopefully appeals to your little one’s palate, and is loaded with soluble fiber and vitamins.


  • 1/4 cup pearl barley

1. Grind the barley to a find powder in a blender.

Barley Cereal (1)Note: Barley is coarser than rice, so make sure you give this process enough time, a good 5 minutes of whirling around.

Barley Cereal (2)2. Bring 1 cup water to a simmer over medium-high heat in a saucepan. Add the barley powder and reduce heat to low. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the cereal is smooth. Add additional water if needed to thin the cereal; I skipped this step as T can now handle chunkier textures.

Be forewarned, if your baby discovers the delightfully sticky texture of the barley cereal, dinner may turn into an art project!

cereal smoosher

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